Back Office Optimization
Financial Services
The client faced a major challenge in their Back Office operations due to delays and issues caused by the previous provider, with long response times and an accumulation of cases (backlog) that impacted the efficiency and quality of the service. The objective was to ensure a response within a maximum timeframe of 72 hours, improving case resolution without generating additional backlog and avoiding the repetition of unnecessary processes.
The partnership with Actionline enabled the client to resolve the operational issues caused by the previous provider, reducing response times, improving service quality, and achieving superior performance.
Actionline optimized the client's Back Office operation with a focus on agility and efficiency. The main actions included:

SELECT CORE: Mapping the profile of high-performance employees, ensuring the correct allocation for critical tasks.

CAPACITA PRO: Periodic training on product specialization and efficient customer service, improving the quality and speed of responses.

QUALIVISON: Analysis of service interactions and identification of improvement opportunities, resulting in more agile processes.

INSIGHT 360: Continuous recommendations for process adjustments, maintaining competitiveness and customer satisfaction.
The results achieved exceeded initial expectations. From 60% of cases meeting the previous provider’s 72-hour SLA, we progressively improved the SLA, achieving continuous improvement until surpassing the goal, with an average response time below 72 hours. The optimization of processes and KPI compliance reduced the accumulated backlog, resulting in a considerable improvement in operational efficiency. Consequently, the recontact rate was reduced from 23.2% to 17.4%, a significant result that reflects the effectiveness of the implemented improvements.